Usage of Parallel-Octave ======================== This file explains 1. Usage 2. List of Functions 3. Example === 1. Usage === Following 8 sections show the sequence of using Parallel-Octave. Section 1 and Section 8 may be unnecessary at some MPI implementations. 1. Before using Parallel-Octave, start MPI-execution environment. (at LAM/MPI, "lamboot hostfile") 2. Invoke Octave. 3. Call function "mpi_init". "mpi_init" starts parallel execution environment. 4. Do parallel tasks with mpi-functions. The list of mpi-functions is described in this file. More information is avaliable with help command in octave. 5. Call mpi_finalize function. "mpi_finalize" stops parallel execution environment. 6. If you want to execute more parallel job, continue section 3,4,5. 7. Exit Octave. 8. Clean-up MPI-Execution. ( at LAM/MPI, "wipe hostfile") === 2. List of Functions === Following mpi-functions and it's related functions can be used in octave. More information is avaliable with help command in octave. [mpi-functions] Those functions perform almost the same operation as original MPI. mpi_bcast : Broadcasts a message mpi_cancel : Cancels a communication mpi_comm_rank : Determines the rank mpi_comm_size : Determines the size of the group mpi_finalize : Terminates Octave-MPI execution environment mpi_init : Initialize the MPI Octave-execution environment mpi_irecv : A non-blocking receive mpi_recv : Basic receive mpi_send : Basic send mpi_test : Tests for the completion mpi_testall : Tests for all completion of previous communication mpi_testany : Tests for any completion of previous communication mpi_wait : Waits for the completion mpi_waitall : Waits for all completion of previous communication mpi_waitany : Waits for any completion of previous communication [additional functions] Subfunctions to support mpi-functions. reval : Evaluates command at the remote process specified by rank. batch_eval : Evaluates one script file in all processes. sizeof : Measures size of binary comverted octave_value. [other functions] Assist other functions. Users don't have to call these functions. remote_command_server : Performs server command in remote nodes. === 3. Example ===